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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

PC gaming news P.3

Battlefield Play4Free may rival its paid counterpart

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is a great game. The single player, is very.. bleh. Could be better. The multiplayer however is great. The use of vehicles in multiplayer that has been missing for a while brings something interesting to the multiplayer table. In recent times, popular titles have somehow abstained from using vehicles. Why I say. Why? Who doesn't want to launch a tank shell into some 12 year old kid raging about lag? I want to. Ignoring the fact that VoIP is absent from Bad Company 2 (on the PC at least), and I wouldn't know if the dude is 12 or 20, destroying people with a tank or helicopter is great. Battlefield prides itself on the use of vehicles to dominate people, and with good cause. We need multiplayer vehicles. Running around shooting people on a map the size of my desk is boring. I want huge sprawling levels so you have use a helicopter to traverse and avoid the tracer dart shooting noobs.

The makers of Battlefield: Heroes have let go of the cartoony artwork to make Battlefield Play4Free. From the trailers, the game looks like a child of Bad Company 2 and Combat Arms. B:P4F may not be boasting the same graphics as Bad Company 2, but it definitely retains the style of gameplay. The vehicles are present, along with some of the maps looking like they were ported from BC2.

Why do I think it will rival BC2? The graphics aren't all that bad. Things like Combat Arms brings in a ton of new gamers being introduced to FPS games on the PC. Of course this free game won't rival BC2 in the slightest of sales, since there are none to be made, but if they pull it off extremely well, they will most definitely rival the amount of active players. There are a bunch of people not interested in PC gaming, who are interested in console gaming. Again, the product name will bring in people who don't normally play on the PC like this. TV taken up by the family? Time for some PC gaming. Your computer sucks? Well try out this game, it's free! It's Battlefield!

Of course, there is no reason for BC2 players to switch if it's just a toned down remake. Combat arms is fun in the sense there are a bunch of people that fail on it, but with them forcing you to buy.. sorry, rent weapons with real cash, shit gets unbalanced really really fast. If revenue is to be made by this game, it may have to be by buying in game content. It could be from advertisements of course, but hopefully they won't go the Pay2Win scheme.

Anyway, from the previews and screens shown of it, this game is looking to be a real good addition to the Battlefield series. If it's anywhere near the level of quality Heroes was, they'll have a real winner on their hands.

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