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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

PC gaming news P.1

Games for Windows Marketplace to be launched on Nov. 15

Yes, it seems that Microsoft has smelled money in the air, and is now jumping on the bandwagon of Digital Distribution made famous by Valve's Steam software and Direct2Drive.

For those of you who don't know, digital distribution refers to buying a game online and downloading it. No physical discs, just the game. While on paper this may seem weird, it's really, REALLY convenient. All you have to do is buy the game, download it, and you're good to go. No need to trip over all your bowls of half eaten ramen! No need to blind yourself with sunlight anymore! Just buy the game, and you instantly have it. Steam already has a huge catalog of games for you to waste your money on. A lot of them from heavy hitters in the games industry. Games from EA to Infinity Ward. ID to 2K Games. Indie developers can even submit things to be carried on the Steam platform. You can buy Wolfenstein 3D and immediately afterward buy Call of Duty: Black Ops. With Steam being this solid, GWM will have to do a lot to compete against Steam. Microsoft definitely picked up the scent on the sales of Steam. Steam makes an egregious of money, there's no doubt about it. They won't release their specific figures, but considering the range of games, and a 205% increase of Steam Sales from a year ago, coupled with ~3,000,000 active users buying games, any 205% increase will definitely be big money.

But what about Windows? When facing a library of games and backing of developers this huge, do they stand a chance to make the same amount of money? Maybe. Microsoft is integrating their already massive Windows Live ID accounts to make purchasing PC games easier for the 'less PC savvy' of us.

"Anyone with a Windows Live ID (Windows Live, Xbox LIVE, Games for Windows – LIVE or Zune account) can login and immediately start shopping in the Games for Windows Marketplace. The new store also supports Microsoft Points (as well as credit card purchasing), allowing the more than 25 million users of Xbox LIVE, Zune Marketplace and Games for Windows – LIVE to use their Microsoft Points balance seamlessly across platforms."

Now, people who aren't that much into the PC gaming world will come from their Xbox Live accounts to buy from a familiar face. Microsoft is one of the strongest names in the tech world. Who would you trust more if you were thinking about getting a game digitally for the first time? Valve, who makes games, or Microsoft, who makes your operating system? Microsoft may just get the people who are new to digital distribution by the name alone. Steam may have a massive community, but Microsoft is a great name to stand behind and sell stuff. People don't want to venture off into unknown territory! They want the norm. They want to be buying from a company they know, and Microsoft realizes that. If you use Xbox Live, and decide you want to use a Computer for gaming now on, you'll want the convenience of digital distribution. You'll go with Microsoft, someone who you know and trust.

Unless of course you have a Mac, then you'll be using Steam.

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