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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Quick update

Thought I'd just do a random update on things I'm currently working on. Right now, there's a tactics flash for de_dust2 in the works, along with a SDK map. What will be done of it? Dunno, but I know no matter how long it takes, the flash will be done, and I've been making really good progress on my map. Map will definitely be done before the flash.

Monday, February 22, 2010

In this video I can be seen fucking up a screen capture.

If you're wondering what was fucking stupid, I had opened up a cap to some vitamins and it said sealed for your protection. I thought vitamins are supposed to help you, not kill you. Sure you can overdose on them, but then a seal like that wouldn't do much would it. Just replace it with "Sealed for Freshness" or something.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Last new Blog

This shall be the parent blog to my other blogs. This is where I'll post random stuff.